Partner With Us
We are so grateful for the number of people who desire to volunteer at Willow, but because of the nature of our work and for the sake of patient confidentiality, we do not use volunteers for serving our patients. To learn more about our patient process, please contact us to schedule a vision tour.
Wondering how else you can help?
Join our Text2Pray by texting ’Willow’ to (724) 362-6268 and receive 2-3 texts per week from us, requesting prayer for our patient days, specific patient prayer requests or exciting and encouraging updates.
Material Donations to Bless our Patients
We are currently in need of Baby Items to bless our patients who do choose to parent. You can purchase the items on your own and contact us to schedule a time for drop-off, you can click on the Amazon link below and have the items shipped directly to us or you can give financially by clicking on the Donate button and designate your donation to ‘Baby Supplies’.
All gender neutral unless specified otherwise.